Secure Attachment Among Multiple Partners is Possible.

Why Emotionally Focused Therapy?

EFT is a proven approach that goes to the heart of what it means to be in relationships. It focuses on enhancing emotional accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement. In our sessions, we’ll explore the deep emotional currents that flow through your relationships, addressing issues of trust, attachment, and emotional intimacy. Together, we’ll work towards transforming negative cycles into patterns of understanding, support, and profound connection.

ENM relationships bring their own unique challenges and joys. From managing jealousy and communication hurdles to deepening connections with each partner, our therapy sessions are a safe harbor for you to explore and strengthen your relationship dynamics. Whether you’re new to ENM or have been navigating this path for years, our work together will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your relationships.

What you can expect:

  • Practical strategies to enhance communication, manage emotions, and strengthen bonds.

  • A deeper understanding of emotional needs and how to meet them.

  • Tools to navigate the complexities of ENM relationships, including jealousy, time management, and boundary setting.

A Clear Path to Connection.

Relationships have always come in many forms, and all deserve the same level of professional support and understanding. We provide counseling services specifically tailored for Ethically Non-Monogamous (ENM) partners.

Strong, healthy relationships are built on a foundation of trust, communication, and emotional connection. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a well-researched and effective therapeutic approach, is at the core of our work, helping partners navigate the complexities of their relationships by focusing on emotional bonding, attachment, and patterns that may hinder connection.