Lori Hussussian sitting on a couch in front of a window.

Hi, I’m Lori Hussussian, I help couples start again, after infidelity, betrayal, or addiction

While I enjoy working with couples of all ages and in all stages of their relationships, I am particularly interested in working with couples who are impacted by betrayal, infidelity, and addiction (whether behavioral, or substances).

Couples experiencing these issues often come to counseling with little to no hope in repairing their relationship.

It is my privilege to help them discover ways that they can have hope once again.

  • On a personal note, I have found my marriage of 30 years (this year) to be the most meaningful and impactful relationship in my life. Being married this long does not come without relational stress from time to time. I know first hand the effect a good couples counselor can have in helping a couple become better together.

  • When clients come to see me they can expect warmth, acceptance, encouragement, honesty, and professionalism. Also, when appropriate, I like to use humor. One of my goals is to create a positive working relationship with each partner and use these relationships to facilitate positive outcomes for the couple. I am passionate about helping couples overcome obstacles that are keeping them from rebuilding their relationship.

  • I believe healthy, positive relationships are essential to our well being mentally and physically. In our intimate relationships in particular, basic elements such as love, respect, admiration, fondness, empathy, and trust are essential components for partners to connect and thrive.

Premarital Counseling

I believe healthy, positive relationships are essential to our well being mentally and physically. Basic elements such as love, respect, admiration, fondness, empathy, and trust are essential components for partners to connect and thrive, that’s why I love helping couples in the beginning of their journey together build a relationship that will last long into the future.

Discernment Counseling

For couples who are already married, but uncertain about the future of the relationship, the Discernment Counseling process can help increase clarity about whether to stay and work on the relationship, or to end things as amicably as possible.

Individual Therapy for Partners Affected by Infidelity

I also offer one-on-one therapy for people who have been affected by betrayal or infidelity. I can work with either the betrayed partner, or with the partner who committed the betrayal, to process what happened,